You are invited to our party.

If you are reading this, thank you. This is my first blog and I’m a little apprehensive about it. However, I have had a stern word with myself and put things into perspective – fighting cancer is far harder than writing a blog. I’m doing this to chronicle what happens within a family when cancer takes over. It’s not necessarily my daughter’s journey, we feel that’s her story to tell when she is ready. ‘Who invited cancer?’ Is about the impact cancer has on our whole family and how we are coping with it. Of course, Eleri will be heavily featured, but it’s not going to be a day by day expose of her struggles – I’m not sure she will thank me for that in the future. We want this to be raw and truthful account of what happens when a family member is taken ill; thus far it’s not just been hard, it’s been almost intolerable. One hope is that this will reach other families that are traveling the same road. We want people to read this and find some comfort in our words, knowing that they are not alone. We are all fighting the same cruel battle against childhood cancer and we all want to win.

On a personal note, I’m furious. In fact, the fiery welsh girl in me is ‘tamping, raging, fuming!’. I can’t believe that cancer has taken a hold of my 7-year-old daughter and thrown our lives into complete and utter chaos. Cancer has crashed our family party. It has barged in, eaten our food, consumed copious amounts of our alcohol, kicked our dog, peed all over our toilet seat and thrown up in the strawberries. I am not happy, not happy at all. Needleless to say we want to kick it out, but don’t have the muscle or the might. We are not equipped to deal with this horrendous disease; enter the NHS and thank god they know what they are doing.

Eleri is receiving her treatment at Oxford Children’s Hospital. It is a wonderful, inspiring place. It is where some of the best minds in the world have come together to save all the poorly little people. They are superheroes and I wont ever be able to fully express the gratitude I have for the doctors and nurses that work tirelessly to save countless children. Yes, they delivered the worst news a family could ever receive, but they have also given us hope. No matter how bad we feel, they are always calm and provide reassurance that they can treat it. Treatment and survival is all we can ask for.

We are jumping on the train and holding on for dear life. Our next stop is unclear, but you are welcome along for the ride.

Bethan, Rob, Eleri and Owen x

13 thoughts on “You are invited to our party.

  1. Well written my gorgeous Sister. Who ever invented cancer in children….. no
    Scrap that …. whoever invented cancer. I hope they are burning in a never ending hell. I’m so angry this has happened, it certainly makes you question if there is a God?!
    I just wish I could be the one with the cancer in order to take her pain away. I love you all from the bottom of my heart. I will be by yourside throughout the whole journey. She will get through this and she will fight it far more courageously than any of us ever could. She has the perfect combination of Lewis and Hooper. The fiestiness of her month and the determination of her father.
    I’ve got my Pom poms at the ready – go fairy go! 😍


  2. Sending you strength and courage to face each day. Big hugs and squeezes wrapped in love to you all. So sorry to read this devastating news. The angels have your back, just like last time! We are all here for you, love from The Millward xxxx


  3. I am an old school friend of Emma Wappett and have just read your blog page which Emma shared on Facebook. My wife was diagnosed with cancer at the end of summer last year and is still going through treatment. We have two daughters, the eldest is 6, and so I was extremely moved by your blog. It was beautifully written in its frankness and honesty. And I recognise all of the feelings and sentiments you have described. I don’t even know your daughter, or you, but I am sure that I will be thinking of you all over the coming months. I would offer advice but I am sure you will have had plenty of that already. Wishing you and your family all the strength in the world x


    1. Thank you so much for your kind words. We just want our story to reach as many people as possible. I’m thrilled that it has reached you. Cancer is a trauma for whoever is going through it. To have two children to take care of as well as your wife is hard. I have no doubt that you are nailing it!!!!! How is your wife doing? How much of her treatment does she have left?


  4. Beautifully written at such a scary time for you all. We will be following Eleri’s journey and sending you all our love and thoughts. Xx


  5. Bethan your words touched me so deeply. Beautifully and courageously written. I am so sorry that Eleri is having to face this, that your lives has been turned upside down by this cruel disease, and that you have no choice other than to watch your baby having to endure this fight. Our thoughts and prayers are with Eleri and all your family. Words don’t seem enough, but I wish you all every ounce of strength in the up coming months! xxx


  6. Bethan, just wow! Beautifully written and has me in tears.
    The stars aligned and you finished work at a time your family need you more than ever and for that I am thankful.
    So sorry Eleri has had to enter this craziness but clearly she had a path to follow and she is storming it. Her donation of her hair and how she is dealing with it is phenomenal.
    Love and hugs to you all xxxxx


  7. Love all your determination to fight this horrible disease. It most certainly is one unwelcome, uninvited squatter that invades our lives. I’m 49 and just diagnosed in February and I can see how this is affecting my husband, my daughters, my parents and sisters. all my close family, lives put on hold until the eviction notice is followed through 😊 My little Welsh dragon ( my year old granddaughter) is here in Scotland for the week and this fills me with the strength and determination we so need to find to battle through. Sending Eleri the very best of wishes with her treatment and to you all her family the resolve to help you through it xxxx


    1. Thank you so much for your kind words. Cancer is unbelievably hard on the person that is suffering and I’m sure it makes you find strength you never thought you had. I’m sure your family are battling every step of the way with you. Cancer sucks and we just have to show it whose boss!


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